Salute in Armonia 1.0.3
Attraverso l'App del Poliambulatorio Salute inArmonia potrai consultare la disponibilità dei nostri Servizi e deicorsi e convegni di Formazione, oltre ad ricevere tutte le novità econsultare le nostre informazioni.Il Poliambulatorio Salute in Armonia si occupa di Agopuntura,Omeopatia, Fisioterapia, Dietologia, oltre 20 SpecialisticheMediche.Through the App ClinicHealth in Harmony can see the availability of our services andtraining courses and conferences, as well as get all the news andsee our information.The Health Clinic in Harmony deals with Acupuncture, Homeopathy,Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Medical Specialist for over 20.
Hotel Ca'D'oro 1
Benvenuti all'Hotel Ca’ d’Oro: la meta idealeper la vostra vacanza al mare. Il nostro elegante e confortevolehotel a Bibione, 3 stelle, dispone di un’ampia piscina e di unavasca per i piccoli ospiti, resa ancora più piacevole dalledecorazioni in mosaico sullo sfondo e dai vari giochi d’acqua.Inoltre, per godervi al meglio la vacanza e abbandonaredefinitivamente lo stress, troverete vicino alla piscina la nostraterrazza solarium con lettini a vostra completa disposizione e unanuova zona relax con un grande spazio idromassaggio.Ad attendervi presso il nostro albergo a Bibione troverete ancheuna spiaggia privata con lettini e ombrelloni riservati agliospiti, raggiungibile in pochi passi: una comodità speciale per chidesidera trascorrere una vacanza totalmente rilassante in unraffinato hotel vicino al mare di Bibione.Welcome to Hotel Ca'd'Oro, the perfect choice for your beach vacation. Our elegant andcomfortable hotel in Bibione, 3 star hotel features a largeswimming pool and a wading pool for younger guests, made even moreenjoyable by the mosaic decorations in the background and variouswater games. In addition, to enjoy the best vacation and abandonyour stress, you will find next to our swimming pool terrace withsun beds at your disposal and a new relaxation area with a largespace tub.We will welcome you at our hotel in Bibione There is also aprivate beach with sunbeds and umbrellas reserved for guests, justa few steps: a special comfort for those wishing to spend arelaxing holiday in an upscale hotel near the beach of Bibione.
Camping Village Portofelice 1.5.1
Are you a lover of tourism en plein air and looking for adestination for your vacation?
4UpperModels 1.0.8
The APP has been created to allow a quickandconstant update for all events and castings in which the4upperModels Agency is involved.From now on Clients will be constantly informed about ongoingandfuture events, moreover they can ask for an offer fromwhereverthey are, in a fast and direct wayAt the same time the APP keeps models updated in real timeaboutcastings that are going to take place all around the world,and itgives them the chance to apply immediately.Nothing could be easier and quicker!Stay Tuned!
Hotel Fabrizio 1.01
Una vacanza conveniente a Rimini? Scarical’Appdi Hotel Fabrizio e inserendo il tuo indirizzo e-mail nellasezioneCoupon riceverai uno sconto per il tuo prossimo soggiorno!L’App tioffre inoltre la possibilità di rimanere aggiornato sututte leofferte dell’hotel e guardare i video delle canzoniutilizzatedall’animazione nella sezione Baby Dance. Potrai ancheprenotare latua vacanza e scoprire le peculiarità e i temi di ognicamera. L’AppHotel Fabrizio fornisce tutte le informazioni sullastrutturariminese da una descrizione generica all’elenco deiservizi, dallamappa alla photogalleryBudget accommodationinRimini? Download the App for Hotel Fabrizio and enteringyoure-mail address in the Coupon will receive a discount for yournextstay! The app also offers you the opportunity to stay up todate onall offers of the hotel and watch the videos of the songsused inthe animation section Baby Dance. You can also book yourholidayand find out the specifics and the themes of each room. TheAppFabrizio Hotel provides all the information about the structureofRimini as a generic description of the list of services, fromthemap to photogallery
Fontemaggi 1.5.12
Fontemaggi manufactures fittings for trade fairs, congresses,events and receptions
EduWeb 1.0.1
EduWeb è una realtà leader in Italianellaformazione finanziaria e nel TRADING ONLINE.E' stata fondata da Giovanni Borsi, Trader professionista daoltre15 anni in Azioni, Opzioni, Certificates, Aste ed AumentidiCapitale.Il nostro obiettivo è darti tutti gli strumenti e leconoscenzenecessarie per farti GESTIRE I TUOI SOLDI con PROFITTO ein totaleAUTONOMIA. Ti affianchiamo con un’assistenza costantetramite unaserie di servizi didattici e percorsi operativi:webinar, eventilive, videocorsi e coaching one-to-one su skype.Finalmente i segreti di un Top Trader spiegaticonsemplicità.Ora anche tu puoi imparare a gestire i tuoi Risparmi e ituoiInvestimenti in sicurezza e autonomia.EduWeb is a leaderinItaly in financial training and TRADING ONLINE.It 'was founded by Giovanni Borsi, Professional Trader for over15years in Stocks, Options, Certificates, Auctions andcapitalincreases.Our goal is to give you all the tools and knowledge neededtomake MANAGE YOUR MONEY with PROFIT and total AUTONOMY. Wesupportyou with ongoing support through a range of educationalservicesand operating routes: webinars, live events, video coursesandone-on-one coaching on Skype.Finally the secrets of a Top Trader explained simply.Now you too can learn to manage your savings and your investmentsinsecurity and autonomy.
Eurocom Telecomunicazioni 1.3.1
Grazie all’App Eurocom Telecomunicazionipuoifacilmente consultare il catalogo dei prodotti dell’azienda elaloro scheda. Se desideri ottenere maggiori informazioni suunsingolo prodotto puoi inserire il tuo indirizzo e ti saràinviatauna mail contenente una scheda molto più dettagliata diquellapresente nel catalogo. Scaricando l’App EurocomTelecomunicazioniresti informato sulle ultime promozioni e puoiguardare i videoaziendali quando lo vorrai. Inoltre, riceveraiutili notizie suisettori di riferimento dell’azienda: tecnologiedell’informazione edella comunicazione, sistemi di sicurezza eSoftwareUtilities.ThanksEurocomTelecommunications App you can easily consult the catalog ofthecompany's products and their card. If you want to getmoreinformation about a single product you can enter your addressandyou will receive an email containing a card much more detailedthanthe one present in the catalog. By downloading the AppEurocomTelecommunications remains informed about the latestpromotions andcorporate videos you can watch whenever you want. Inaddition, youwill receive useful information on the areas served bythe company:information and communication technologies, securitysystems andSoftware Utilities.
Area App 1.0.5
Area Sporting Club is a sports club in Rome where you will findeverything you are looking for!
Sabbioni 2.1.13
Sabbioni è marchio leader italiano distribuzione di prodotti perlacura del corpo e della cosmesi: le marche più importantieprestigiose e prodotti di alta qualità. Grazie all'App diSabbionipotrai consultare il catalogo di tutti i tuoi prodottipreferiti,ricevere le offerte esclusive e consultare la posizionedei nostririvenditori.
Mr PRENO 2.1.2
The Professional Sales System Rooms
Geronimo.news 1.0.9
Geronimo News is a portal for information and news about Rimini andits province.
AidYou 1.0.4
What to do in an emergency, before emergency services arrive?Clearpictures accompanied by simple descriptions, will show you howtobehave in the most common medical emergencies. Designedforeveryone, but especially for tourists and travelers, the App isanindispensable tool for all ages. From now on, First Aid willbeunderstandable to everyone!
Camping Village Travel 2.0.23
Find easily the best campsites in Italy!
Target Softair 1.10.45
Shop Online Armory First Class Target
Aloha Beach 1.0.2
Aloha beach: The sun, the beach and the flavors of the sea ...
Bounty Rimini 1.2.22
Bounty Rimini: find the App's most famous local on the AdriaticRiviera
Titano Store 6.1.23
The app allows viewing and purchase of the site's products titanstore
Pizzeria Prima o Poi
Receive discounts and stay updated on our initiatives.
Villaggio Bahja
Holiday Village Bahja in Cosenza.
ImMigRant 1.0.3
ImMigRanT, Immediate MigrantsResources and Tools, is aprojectconceived to support immigrants providing them withsimplecommunication tools to help them face any potentialmedicalemergency they are not able to manage as they miss contactsandreferences. To this end, ImMigRant designed a SmartphoneAppallowing immigrants to handle medical emergencies quicklyandefficiently by making use of comic strips illustratingseveralinjury cases or emergency situations, from the simplest tothe mostserious. The use of cartoons make simple informationavailableregardless of language barriers. The App of ImMIGrAnT isanimmediate and efficient tool helping immigrants handle thefirstmedical emergencies with visual messages (comic strips)andeliminate language hurdles. The comic strips-cartoonsillustratewhat has to be done in case of a medical emergency,situations ofdiscomfort or natural disasters. Whoever is in anotherCountry,even on a temporary basis and without knowing thatCountry’shealthcare system, having the first emergency contact orspeakingthe language, can use the App as a valid support to quicklyfaceany medical emergency.
LeBimbì 1.2.9
creative Material